05 September 2022 | Drinks, Gastronomy
Wine tasting in the Minervois
Le Festival des TASTES EN MINERVOIS, créé en 2015 par les vignerons de l’Appellation pour fêter les 30 ans de leur AOC, devient le grand rendez-vous annuel des épicuriens autour de l’alliance des vins et de la gastronomie d’aujourd’hui. Programmé le 1er weekend de septembre, il célèbre aussi le début des vendanges.
After 2 years canceled due to the health context, the Festival is making its big comeback in 2022! See you on Saturday September 3 from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. and Sunday September 4 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Alliance of wines and gastronomy
Great annual meeting of epicureans around the alliance of wines and gastronomy of today.
Scheduled for the first weekend of September, it also celebrates the start of the harvest. The winegrowers and winegrowers thus take advantage of a short break to bite into this great moment of conviviality and sharing, also leading festival-goers to discover a Terroir in its most beautiful colors, those of vegetation at the height of its beauty. Vines teeming with life, and whose energy which escapes from them proves to be deeply contagious, this is what awaits the curious entering the Minervois.

5 culinary poles are represented to make discover their specialties. "Desserts" area by pastry chef and chocolatier Rémi Touja. "World cuisine" area by Marc-André Jetté. Space "prosper mountain" by André Pachon. "Traditional kitchen" area by Batiste Denieul. Space "Gueuleton" for lovers of good meat.
Taste en Minervois events
Famille Electro will animate the Festival with a Live Act by Bnoise & Clarr oriented electrojazz then will follow the DJs of the collective for jazzy, funk, disco and house atmospheres. Quality Street Band They will roam all over the venues.
Tastivore Space
"What will be the foods of tomorrow, the culinary trends, the new gastronomic practices?" Sommelier Baptiste Ross-Bonneau will guide you in learning and discovering products such as insects and algae by pairing Minervois wines.
Children's Area
A program to introduce the youngest to the professions of the vine, to taste but also and above all to the understanding and implementation of the principles of recycling.
Winegrowers and winegrowers
Discover below the list of winegrowers present for you to taste their wines during this weekend. https://www.tastesenminervois.com/les-vignerons/