09 October 2021 | Tourism
Toulouse - The City of Space
Exploring space and the wonders of the universe has never been easier. Films, visits, exhibitions, discover a more than exciting universe. The space city is a center of scientific culture oriented towards space and the conquest of space, devoted as much to astronomy and astronautics.
The activities
You will be able to discover all the news about Thomas Pesquet on board the ISS for the Alpha mission. The Cité de l'espace invites you to follow Thomas Pesquet's activities as closely as possible thanks to regular 30-minute meetings with scientists, researchers or engineers who will reveal the secrets of life on board and the nature of the experiments. embedded scientists.
Exhibitions and gardens

The News Square
The new space dedicated to space news, it allows you to follow European missions
The Solar System Pier
Composed of eight planets that revolve around the sun, but it's much more, discover celestial bodies and understand the waltz of comets.
The observatory
Under a starry vault, take a look at the universe and explore the sky above our heads. The observatory is a must-see place in the Cité de l'espace if you like astronomy.
The weather center
What will he do tomorrow? A question that has mobilized space since the first weather satellite in 1959
The launch center
At the launch center you can watch rockets take off from several space centers.
The moon
Walk through an amazing immersive scenery. The life-size reconstruction of the cockpit allows you to project yourself into the exploits of Neil Armstrong... the first man to set foot on the moon.
The MIR space station
Visit an essential page in the history of human spaceflight. You will learn about the space station as you walk through the modules and learn how the astronauts live and work in their station.

You will have the opportunity to attend three shows:
1) imax: 3D asteroids hunters: put on 3D glasses and set off hunting for asteroids
2) The planetarium: Embark on a real ship by taking your place in the planetarium, heading for the solar system!
3) The Stellarium: the little ones can enjoy a show dedicated to young audiences.
Useful information
Discover the rates: https://www.cite-espace.com/decouvrir-la-cite/infos-pratiques/tarifs/ Opening hours: https://www.cite-espace.com/decouvrir-la-cite/infos-pratiques/heures-ouverture-cite-espace/ To save time, you can order your tickets directly from the website.