29 November 2021 | Events
The return of Thomas Pesquet to Earth
After spending 6 months in space at the European Space Agency, Thomas Pesquet is finally back on Earth.
Very present on social networks, he was able to share his fascinating experiences with us.
Thomas is the most popular astronaut in France. He was able to stay in touch with his community and his fans during his exceptional experiences.
Breathtaking pictures and videos of the Northern Lights, pictures of cities flown over with sometimes detailed explanations and life in space.
His entire community felt involved in his journey.
Watch in replay the landing in the Gulf of Mexico on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 La vidéo: https://missionalpha.cnes.fr/fr/retour-sur-terre

What pride...
Thomas is the 1st French captain of the ISS and the 4th European commander after Frank de Winne, Alexander Gerst and Luca Parmitano.
Thomas Pesquet is the first European to have spent the most time in space.
With a total of more than 390 days and nearly 200 scientific experiments carried out aboard the ISS during the Alpha mission.
What will his next assignment be? We are very impatient to discover his next expeditions which make us dream so much.