06 December 2021 | Sports and leisure, Transport, Tourism
Take your first flight with Aérofutur Perpignan
Take a first flight with Aérofutur Perpignan.
Do you dream of becoming a pilot? The Aérofutur Perpignan flight school offers first flights.

Aérofutur is a flight school "founded by pilots for pilots".
Lionel Marti is the co-founder of the school, educational manager and flight instructor.
At his side a very nice team.
The first flight

What a chance to enter a flight school for a first flight!
When you arrive, the instructor pilot welcomes you and gives you a lesson on your flight, how an airplane flies, etc.
A very exciting and interesting experience.
Then you check the plane before you take off.
The instructor gives you the controls to take off and once the pilot has stablized the aircraft you take control again.
20 minutes of magical flight.
Once you land, you will only want to take another flight.
Contact Aerofutur: https://aerofutur.com/
A big thank you to the whole team in particular to Alexis, Julien, Lionel, Ella and Sandrine for allowing us to carry out this first flight!
Everyone is responsive, friendly and accommodating, from making an appointment to taking off and landing.

Where to stay whilst taking your first flight?
Spend holidays with Pure France by renting a holiday home in Occitanie: