12 January 2023 | Culture
Places of memory to visit in France
Places of Memory are places greatly marked by historical events, confrontations, or human dramas. These are places that are sometimes intact, or sometimes marked with a monument of remembrance, where great personalities have passed, where sometimes surprising works of military architecture stand. The memory of the suffering endured is always expressed there, because the common point of all these places is war, the last two world wars, but also those of the 19th century.
You can visit places that commemorate and explain painful events, such as: The Memorial of Caen, the Chemin des Dames, Verdun and the ossuary of Douaumont, or even the moving martyr village of Oradour-sur-Glane, the concentration camp of Struthofou the Memorial of the Jewish Children of Izieu... Places rich in stories and emotions that perfectly trace the history of France.