30 January 2024 | Wedding
Mariage: wedding planners sur la région de Toulouse
Do you want to get married in Toulouse or its region?
Entrust the organization of your wedding to a wedding planner, these artists of Love will tailor-make this unforgettable day for you.
In close collaboration with the future bride and groom, they play an essential role which allows them to live the present moment with complete confidence and serenity. They are always attentive to create a wedding that matches their clients' wishes, down to the smallest detail.
Whether it is a wedding in a sumptuous castle or a more intimate ceremony in a cozy place in Toulouse or a sumptuous wedding in the surrounding vineyards, the wedding planner is there for you.
A wedding planner also manages the choice of venue, caterer, decoration, flowers and coordination on the big day with complete discretion so that the bride and groom can fully experience the most beautiful day of their lives.
Event Ewa
A huge pleasure for me to collaborate several times with Ewa! It was an opportunity to see how masterfully she manages everything, how she adapts perfectly to different atmospheres, to different worlds, to all tastes. She surrounds herself with exceptional service providers, each as talented as the next, all attentive to detail and quality work. All in a magnificent atmosphere thanks to the beautiful energies it diffuses. An energetic, sweet, determined, kind woman, always in an even mood, with an adorable little accent. Happy to have met her, I recommend her and will continue to recommend her to those around me
Site internet: https://www.eventewa.com
Tél: 06 41 47 45 75
Email: eventewa9@gmail.com
Agence 24 Events
Julie D. took care of the preparations for our wedding over 3 days and two evenings, and accompanied us for 1 and a half years. Always available, gentle and obviously good advice, and above all REASSURING.
She put into shape all our desires, and was also very available to our parents.
A real joy, and many fewer worries on the big day, when she was accompanied by Anita.
I wasn't stressed for a single second and I took full advantage of this precious moment.
Website: https://agence24events.fr/
Tel: 06 78 43 55 16
Brins d'Ivresse
Élodie perfectly fulfilled her mission of coordinating the D-Day. We recommend her services to fully enjoy the wedding day. She was also very helpful in setting up the spaces the day before. Very available, attentive and very involved, we can trust him 100%. Thank you for everything. HA
Site internet: https://brinsdivresse.fr
Tel: 06 85 04 23 41
Email: contact@brinsdivresse.fr
Le Labo Ephemère
Our greatest luck in preparing our wedding was our meeting with Alexandre. We asked him only three and a half months before the date, and he allowed us to experience a wedding more beautiful than in our dreams.
Listening, available, very good advice, he was able to respect our expectations and reassure us throughout his support. Decoration, organization, service provider advice...his experience and know-how are a sure value for peacefully enjoying this enchanted break. We chose an atmosphere inspired by the 20s and Peaky Blinders, the photos speak for themselves! Thank you very much for everything sincerely.
Website: https://www.lelabo-ephemere.com
Tel: 06 66 33 09 01