29 December 2021 | Culture
The origins of New Year's Eve
New Year's Day, also known as New Year's Day, is the first day of the year, January 1.
The 1st day of the year was not always January 1st
But did you know that the first day of the year wasn't always January 1?
In 46 BC, Julius Caesar decided that January 1 would be New Year's Day. Under Charlemagne, the year began at Christmas, on December 25. In the days of the Capetian kings *, the year began on Easter Day.
It was not until the 1622s that the New Year was again set for January 1st.
And the other countries?
For Tibetans, the date of the first day of the year varies from year to year.
For the Chinese, the New Year is celebrated on January 20 on February 18.
A notion of renewal
The New Year is often associated with the notion of renewal, and therefore generally celebrated between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.

We wish you a happy new year 2022!
Capetians * traditionally form the third dynasty of the kings of France.