19 May 2023 | Sports and leisure
Defi Wind Gruissan 2023
From May 18 to 21, 2023 takes place in Gruissan as every year, the Défi Wind. This event brings together professional and amateur Windsurf enthusiasts on a starting line. The biggest windsurfing event in the world will celebrate its 21st edition with more than 1,000 windsurfers from around the world gathered to compete against the 'Tramontane'. It has become a festival that celebrates passion for windsurfing through moments of friendship with music, on the exhibition stands and in the village.
A plank race
Athletes will compete in a 40km race, you will find the day of the stands, and in the evening, concerts and festive atmospheres.
Gruissan, on the podium of the windiest spots in France
According to Météo France readings, Gruissan is on the podium of the windiest spots in France. The Tramontane blows here more than half the year and even more so during the Défi Wind period.
Where to eat in Gruissan?
You can enjoy the restaurants on the beach for a pleasant moment between sun and idleness:
The chalets Gruissan, Le Paparazzo, Le Stromboli, Le Mamamouchi...
What to do at Gruissan?
Barbarossa Tower
You will be able to take advantage of a nice walk to observe an overhanging view of the town of Gruissan and the pond, you will see the sea in the distance and the salt marshes of Gruissan due to their pink color.
Beach chalets
Pretty walk on the edge of the beach along the beautiful cats on stilts.
Gruissan market
In the heart of Gruissan you will find a pleasant market full of life with caterers and local fruit and vegetable producers.
Nature reserve
A walk on the island of Saint Martin to learn more about the Salin de Gruissan. You will be able to listen to the history of this incredible place thanks to a guide. With a little luck you will observe pink flamingos and species of birds within the fauna and flora. Here you will find guided tours, shops specializing in salt and souvenirs, as well as a beautiful restaurant. You will learn more about salt harvesting by the saltworks company. You can even taste oysters there.
Discover all the information on the Salins de Gruissan website: https://www.lesalindegruissan.fr/