23 January 2022 | Culture
Carcassonne Fine Arts Museum
The Museum of Fine Arts offers a refuge with sensitive charm, a counterpoint to the grandiose silhouette of the medieval city. It was in 1845 that the Society of Arts and Sciences offered the city of Carcassonne a set of 102 paintings for its museum. At the origin of this society, a Commission of Arts and Sciences had been founded in 1836. Thereafter, in addition to the deposits of the Louvre museum and the State, the donations of generous Carcassonnais continued the enrichment of the collections with in particular donations and legacies: Courtejaire (1876, 1880 and 1884), Coste-Reboulh (1892), Chénier and Raynaud (1893), and finally in the 20th century Delteil (1984), Pla (1990) and Cahuzac (1995). The collections of the Carcassonne Fine Arts Museum present a rich panorama of Western painting from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. The visitor can also discover a collection of earthenware as well as tapestries and works of art.
Temporary exhibitions
The museum hosts several temporary exhibitions each year, co-produced with several other museums and participates in museum nights and European heritage days. It offers about ten conferences annually on the history of art and organizes educational workshops for kindergarten students.
The works of the museum
The museum's collections consist of paintings dating from the 16th century to the 20th century, painted by José de Ribera, Salvator Rosa, Mattia Preti, Jan Brueghel, etc... You will find in this museum 11 rooms, grouping works by period: in particular the French, Italian and Spanish schools, the English, Dutch schools, neo-impressionism... and much more.
Opening hours
Website https://www.carcassonne.org/lieux/musee-des-beaux-arts
15 boulevard Camille Pelletan 11000 Carcassonne
Photo gallery